Called at a young age, Hadassah Bolinger has lived her life answering the call to ministry. Born the daughter of an Evangelist, she was raised in an atmosphere of powerful revival experiences and a multi-generational ministry heritage. An avid student of the Word, she has actively participated in in-depth Bible study that began in her life as a young child and continues to this day. After receiving the call to preach at the age of 18, she began traveling in various states across the United States, preaching with a prophetic anointing in revivals and conferences. She has also been blessed with a strong anointing for music ministry. A talented singer and musician, she has written many songs and has released three recorded musical projects, including two albums containing original content. With 40 years of experience in ministry, she has begun mentoring others who have a fivefold ministry calling. Most of all, Hadassah Bolinger is a worshipper, and loves the Lord!